Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Round 2 - Feeling like I'm on a merry-go-round.

Well, second verse, same as the first! I just had the first infusion of my 2nd round of chemotherapy. and so far, I'm feeling pretty good.  I know this is the honeymoon period.  They gave me some anti-nausea medicine along with a steroid first, then they gave me the chemo drug Carboplatin.  Nothing like having poison going through your veins!  But the good thing is that it doesn't hurt when it goes in.  I guess you could say it is a "slow acting" poison.  Probably by Friday I will be feeling the full effects of everything.  So in a way, I do want to feel sick if it means that it is killing the cancer!

I'm trying to have a positive attitude and hope for the best.  However, I'm pretty sure it's going to be kind of like childbirth.  You remember that it was a painful experience getting the baby out, but time seems to dull the memory.  Not until you are back in full labor do you remember, "Oh yeah, I forgot how HORRIBLE this is!"

I just found out that I will have to go back to the the Central Utah Clinic in Provo the day after each infusion, (every 3 weeks) to have a shot to make sure that my white blood cell count stays high.  What a pain!  I sure wish they would just give it to me at the time of the chemo infusion, but they say the insurance company won't cover it on the same day.  UGH!  At least I don't have to drive all the way up to Huntsman Cancer Clinic in Salt Lake.  

Thanks again for all of your prayers in my behalf!  It helps to make this burden seem just a little bit lighter.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how you stay so strong. Amy did the lesson last week she told us how strong you a5. You have a wonderful family
