Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How was your day? Sew, sew!

Since I’ve been feeling so much better these last couple of weeks, I thought I would try and make up for lost time and babysit some of my grandkids.  I had my two grandsons come visit at different times.  They are adorable and I enjoy them so much.
Then since I didn’t get to help out with Amy after she had the baby, I have tried to take her two middle daughters who get “bored” at home.  We have found a place where we meet half way.  It takes both Amy and I 10 minutes to drive there and we exchange the kids in the parking lot of this place called Noah’s in Pleasant Grove.  Then I take them for the day and we go and do fun things at my house.  But first, they always want to go shopping at Wal-Mart with me, so they can help drive the scooter. It’s so funny to see the cute looks I get from people in the store.
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Since Mya, Amy’s 3rd child had given up her crib, she now had a new bed and needed a new bedspread.  So we went shopping for one, but everything was over a hundred dollars.  Stupidly I said, “Oh Amy, we can make one just as cute for a lot cheaper.”  haha Famous last words!!!!!  We had fun shopping and picking out the different fabrics to make the bedspread.  Well, 3,000 hours later (or so it seemed) I finally finished the bedspread and the pillows. A word to the wise, next time we will buy the stupid bedspread (unless you are wanting some bonding time) and that’s what we enjoyed the most.  Here is Mya with her new bedroom set and bedspread.  The pictures make it look red, but it is a bright pretty pink.
   bedmyapillows bedasleep
When Brooke saw what I had made for Mya, she looked a little sad.  So I quickly said, “How would you like to come over to my house and go shopping and buy some special material and I will make you a skirt.”  She was delighted!  We bought the material and I made the skirt with no pattern.  When it was finished, it fit Natalie.  So that meant that I still needed to make another skirt for Brooke.  Then when I saw how darling they turned out, I felt bad that my other grand daughters in Vegas wouldn’t have any.  So when we were in Vegas last week babysitting, I made a couple of skirts for them.  I’m a glutton for punishment!  Well needless to say, I bit off more than I could chew…(maybe that’s why I’ve had a stomach ache for past two weeks).  I think they turned out sooooo cute.
Here is Natalie and Brooke Rindlisbacher in their skirts.
natskirt2 nbrookeskirt
And Cassidy and Kara Johnson (Vegas)
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Cooper, Cassidy’s Twin brother wanted to get in on the photo shoot too!
(I still have skirts to make for Allie and Mya).  Good thing I only have 6 granddaughters - but how blessed I am to be feeling good enough to do this!  It's "sew" important to me to make memories with my grandkids while I am able to.  I never know how long my good health will last.  Sew, "I will make hey while the sunshines!" (a saying my Dad used to say). :-)


  1. Such an amazing Grandma!! We are all "sew" lucky to have you! Haha - I am hilarious! :) Thanks for sharing your talent and for ALL you do!

  2. You are like super hero, super fantabulously, pure awesomeness!!!! You should mention little Miss Mya's reaction to the beyond super cute bed spread! It's hilarious and one to remember ;-). Those skirts turned out so super cute! You know your "adoptive" granddaughters over here would love for Brooke and Natalie's Gma to make them a skirt (their words looking over my shoulder reading this post)...hahahaha. Seriously though, your talents never cease to amaze me. Love ya! Glad you are feeling so good.

    Amy- you are "sew" hilarious ;-).

  3. It's good to hear that you're feeling better! The skirts (and granddaughters) are so darling! I wouldn't have even attempted to sew a quilt. SEW impressive!

  4. The skirts are so cute! I remember the outfit that you made me when I was younger. It was my favorite and nicest outfit. I wore it for picture day. I always felt so pretty in it. I love to hear that you are feeling well.

