Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Magic Book of Mormon


I think sometimes when we are in the middle of pain and sorrow that we forget to sit back and count the blessings that we are receiving, even though they may not be the ones we have asked for.  As I have taken a few moments these last few weeks to do that, I realize just how much the Windows of Heaven have been opened in my life.
Two days after hearing how serious my health issues had become, the Lord blessed us with a huge tender mercy.  I got a call from the stake executive secretary telling me that the new Area Authority, Elder Steven K. Randall had just called our stake president and asked him to prayerfully select 2 people in his stake that they could go visit.  Pres. Corbridge, our Stake President chose Craig and I as one of the families.  I told them we would love to have them come visit and when I hung up the phone, I became very emotional, feeling like this was a little "note of encouragement" from the Lord telling me that he hadn't forgotten me and that he was aware of what I was going through. 

It was a wonderful experience to have both of these men in our home.  I could feel the love that my Savior and my Heavenly Father has for me through them.  I guess one of the biggest obstacles I'm going through,  is how do I have faith and at the same time align my will with the Lord's?  To me, having faith means to believe that I'm not going to die, that I'm going to fight this, and I'm going to have faith,and  keep going.  Then there is this other side and I think to myself, Michele, if it's the Lord's will, then why fight it?  This is a dilemma I just don't have the answer for.  Is it possible to do both?

This time around I've tried to help my children and siblings help me accept the Lord's will.  When I told one of  my sisters she immediately said, "Well, we are going to fight this by ...."  I stopped her and said, 'Honey, I REALLY need to learn to accept the Lord's will, will you help me?"  She was so sweet and has completely shown me by her actions that she will.

Now after having said that, I am going to keep fighting, but am also praying to know and accept his will.  I don't know if that is right, but it feels like that is what I should be doing.  I just keep wondering how it is possible to have both at the same time; because having faith and still fighting, seems to me to not be letting go and letting God.

When Elder Randall, the Area Authority was here, I asked him if it thought it was okay to accept the Lord's will or did that seem like I was giving up to our children?

Elder Randall said, "That's the hard part.  Many times it's, 'do you have the faith NOT to be healed?'  That is real faith!"  

     (Pres. Wayne Corbridge on left and Elder Randall on the right as you look at the picture)


Elder Randall shared a new concept with me that I would like to share with you.  Hopefully this might be a way for you to get answers to many of your prayers no matter what the topic is.

Elder Randall said, "I don't know the complete answer to your question Michele, but I did bring a copy of a 'Magic Book of Mormon' that does.  I want to give this to you and I'm going to tell you what I want you to do with it.  If you will do this, know you will get the answer to your question and know that it is directly from The Lord.

"When  you read from the Book of Mormon, because it is the most correct of any book, it's not even what's written on the pages that matters.  It's not the black or the words on the pages, but it can also be the white...the spirit and direction that will come to you personally as you read.  It may not even have anything to do with what you are reading at the time.

"I have used this method so many times in my own life.  This is just the inexpensive blue paperback copy of the Book of Mormon, that the missionaries pass out.  I have probably about 50 of these books in my book shelves.  In the past when I have had a question or issue about something that I am not sure about (either temporal or spiritual.),  I'll write the question I'm struggling with in the front of he Book of Mormon.  Then I will begin reading the Book of Mormon looking for answers to that particular question.  The answer always comes!"

He went on to challenge me to do this same thing.  "I want you to write, this is my question father, how do I exercise my faith properly, or whatever.  The reason you write it down is because sometimes the question will change and you may get your answer to that.   So I found that when the question changed, I would write down the new question and highlight with a different color the scriptures that apply to that question.  I promise you that you will get a direct response from your Heavenly Father and it will be a tender mercy for both of you."

Here's a copy of the "Magic Book of Mormon" that he gave me.  Everyone can have their own!  Please feel free to share this special concept with anyone you feel inspired to do so!


  1. I love this post and I have a strong testimony that this works. I love the picture. What good men they are and you are amazing and beautiful Michele!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great idea! Thanks for being the source of inspiration for so many others.
