Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bear One Another's Burden

I wanted to thank many of you for the sweet comments and emails I have received from you after my last post.  Knowing I have such a great support team like many of you helps make what I am going through easier.  I can truly feel your prayers and my burdens seem lighter.  I am happy to share what I am going through with anyone who would like to hear.  However at times it gets overwhelming repeating the same thing over and over and so that is why this blog is so nice.

If you want to be emailed each time I post an update on my health, then go to the top right of my blog where it says "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" and put your email address.  I don't know who is following, but I am happy to share my story.  It's not that I am any more important that anyone else, it's just that cancer is becoming so prevalent that maybe I can help make someone else's burdens lighter by sharing my journey.

1 comment:

  1. Love you Michele! I'm keeping you constantly in my prayers. Thank you for such beautiful entries. You always give to others with your writing.
    Love Roxane
