Thursday, November 8, 2012

Heartbreak.....and Peace

Well, I'm not going to lie, I've been heartbroken over the results of the election!  I even shed tears several times yesterday.  Why?  No, it's not just because my cousin Mitt didn't win, but because of what this means for the future of our nation and for the future of my children and grandchildren.

This morning I was sitting on the edge of my bed and I saw a plaque that our kids got us when they remodeled our bedroom.

"Be Still and Know that I am God"

The minute my eyes caught a glimpse of that quote, I felt a peace wash over me.  The Lord knew the outcome of the election and he knows what is ahead.  All we have to do is remember to trust Him and be obedient and follow his ways. 

I think the thing that made me cry is knowing what lies ahead.  Because of prophesy we know that things have to get worse before the Savior comes.  It's just hard to know that even the righteous will have to suffer for this to all come about. 

This morning I watched this 2 minute clip by Pres. Ezra Taft Benson that gave me great hope.

"The constitution will be saved.....but not in Washington"

Here are some comforting words from my cousin Wanda and her husband Marsh Gurr who are serving a mission in Ohio at this time.

 In 3 Nephi 16:9-12 and Helaman 12:2 it is describing our day. The most important thing for us to remember is individual obedience and then reaching out to others in Christlike ways to hear their concerns. It's hard not to be discouraged when we see what is happening to our beloved country, but discouragement doesn't help us.  Faith and works do!  We can make a difference in our little realm of influence as we continue to work hard, pray mightily, and be involved in civil ways.  There is much ahead that we must face with faith and endurance.  These last days will strengthen our fiber and testimonies.  Following the prophet and apostles will be key to our happiness.

Take hope!
We are on the winning team
we know how this will all turn out!


  1. Love this post. Thanks for the comforting words!

  2. Words of wisdom, Michele. Thank you.

  3. Thank you! Your messages always give me such a boost...comforting words of your cousin were wonderful too.
