Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ups and downs and back and forths...?

Life is definitely filled with ups and downs, but how about back and forths?  For the past two weeks I have been very dizzy and light-headed.  At night when I get up to go to the bathroom, I feel like a drunken sailor as I bounce from wall to wall.   Today I spent most of the day at the doctors.  The first doctor I went to was an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist (E.N.T.) who deals with vertigo.  Dr. Darley was referred to me by a friend and so I went to him.  I described my symptoms to him and he said that I had classic BPPV.  Okay, I thought, what in the world is that?  I looked it up on the internet and it means Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).  He said he used a maneuver to help correct this problem, and suggested that we video tape it so if it comes back, I will know what to do.  So here is the video tape if you are at all interested.  (I am getting braver and braver now days and the only place I wear a wig is at church.  My husband challenged me to go "natural" to church by the end of August.)

This is my second time doing this maneuver.  Dr. Darley said that this maneuver is effective with 85% of the people on the first time.  The 15% that it wasn't succesful, if done a second time, 85% of those have the vertigo corrected.  It helped a little last week, but it came back, so I am hoping that it will work this time.  However, if my dizziness is cancer related, it may not help at all.
I then went to my oncologist, Dr. Wallentine and had my 3 month check up and my infusion of the drug Avastin.  He asked how I was doing and I quickly gave him a laundry list of things that were bothering me.  I told him that I had been experiencing dizziness, along with nausea, fatigue, and aching muscles and joints throughout my body.  Not to mention the continual neuropathy in my upper left leg and both feet.  Other than that, things were great!   :-)
Dr. Wallenting couldn't figure out why the sudden onset of these symptoms, since I have been taking Avastin since December.  While we were talking, he looked through the secondary side effects that Avastin might have, and all of these were listed under the minor category.  I was afraid that he was going to suggest that I stop taking Avastin, but I told him that I was willing to put up with these side effects in order to be able to have the hopeful benefit that Avastin will keep the cancer away longer.  In a strange way it is comforting to know why I am feeling the way I am - and that it is not just something in my head.
The doctor is sending me to a neurologist to get a baseline on my neuropathy for the future and to see if they have any other suggestions on what might help me now.  The Alpha-Lipoic Acid was working on my neuropathy for a long time, but now it doesn't seem to be helping.  A couple of months ago he gave me a prescription for my  neuropathy called Neuroton  It is a drug that is used to treat seizures, but is also used to treat nerve pain.  However, the side effects from this drug are clumsiness, tiredness, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, constipation or an upset stomach.  (All of which I already am experiencing NOT taking this drug).  UGH!  So I told him that I was not going to take it - and he agreed with me.
I had my CA-125 blood test taken - but they didn't have the results as of today when I left.  When I get the results back tomorrow, I will come back and up date this post with the number.  This is a very important blood test that can detect early tumor growth.  Life is still very good and I am happy to be alive and to be able to be involved in my children and grandchildren's lives.  I love the Lord and am so grateful for modern day medicine and the power of the priesthood.  I'm know that I'm still alive because of both of these things.


  1. i love how optimistic you are sister garvin! and you look so great! i read every time you write and it just warms my heart with how wonderful you are! :) love you and praying for you! -sarah (terry) pickens

  2. Thanks so much Sarah! I appreciate your love and everyone's continual prayers!

  3. Hi Michele - I hope you are doing ok. You expressions of faith and testimony are inspiring. The nurse in me (old, out-dated at that) keeps checking back to see what your CA-125 was. Is it ok?
    Mike's mom has fought neuropathy for many years. She now is also on Avastin for colon CA but had the neuropathy before. I hope you can find some relief from the dizziness and neuropathy.
    You have some beautiful grand babies!
    Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you!
