Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Today, our second daughter, Amy turns 31 years old!!!!!  Every once in a while, you get to sit back and take stock of your life and see if what you have done has made a difference in the world.  I have 5 main reasons that I know that I have made a mark that will last for eternity.  As each of our 5 children grow up, I love to reflect on the times we had with them growing up.
two months 15 months
              Amy at 2 months                                               Amy at 15 months
2 years 4 years old
           Amy at 2 years                                             Amy at 4 years

Little would you know that this sweet, adorable little face would end up knowing how to give you a piece of her mind (I wonder where Brooke and Mya get it) haha.  We love Amy so much!  She started out as a very shy little girl, but changed into a very outgoing, social girl, loved by all her know her. 
Here she is during her College years….graduating from BYU where she found her man- Steve Rindlibacher!!!!
Amy & Steve’s Engagement Picture  (How blessed Amy was to find a man that could “handle” her and make her so happy!)  We all love Steve!!!!!!
Amy the Princess and her prince will celebrate 10 years of marriage this year.
Now a Forever Family with four children of their own!!!!!
Amy is such an incredible wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.  She AMAZES me on how organized she is and how well she takes care of the emotional and physical needs of her growing family!  She is very sensitive and such a loving daughter to me, continually concerned about my physical and emotional welfare.  I’ve learned so many things from her example, I can’t quite figure out how I ended up being the mother!  I must have done something right.  Happy Birthday Dear Amy!!!


  1. Wow! What a great surprise! Thanks for all the sweet things you said about me - I must come from one AMAZING mother! :) And if I've ever been anything like Brooke and Mya to you - I'M SO SORRY!! Haha! Love ya, and thanks again for spoiling me so much on my birthday yesterday.

  2. Such a sweet Mom and sweet daughter...Love you both! I LOVE seeing the baby/younger/wedding Amy pics =-). Fun! Glad you had a great birthday Amy, you deserved it! (and you know anytime little Brooke and Mya are just a little to much...send them on over!)

  3. This is such a sweet post! I had to comment. I hope to continue to have the relationship I have with my own daughters throughout our life together to be able to write a post like this when they turn 31. What a wonderful mom you are!
    Happy birthday Amy!
