Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday!

Today is our Mom’s birthday, and we couldn’t let the day pass without a little shout out for the Birthday Girl! As I’m sure anyone who reads this blog knows, our mom is an incredible lady, and we all feel so lucky to have been the people chosen to have her as our mother.

Mom, you are such a great example to me in so many ways. I often find myself trying to think how you might handle a situation, so I can know what I should do. You have taught me so much about constantly serving others, always trying to learn and become better, how to be a true follower of Christ, and how to laugh at myself and have FUN in life! Even through this present trial of cancer, or maybe especially through this, you have continued to be a great example. Your strength and faith in the face of your adversity is definitely an inspiration. And I have found myself realizing just how much I love my mother (who is also one of my best friends) and how I am SO grateful for you in my life. Happy Birthday, Mom! Here’s to MANY more!!

Love, Amy




Happy Birthday Mom!!! We hope you have a wonderful day. You're the best mom anyone could ask for; you are so strong!

We love you so much! Thanks for all you do for us!

Hope your head stays warm today!

Love, Byron



Mom, today is your 54th Birthday and it is another day to celebrate the greatest Mom in the world. I know a lot of people say they have the greatest mom, but I truly believe that we have been blessed with a truly amazing mom. Don’t believe me, well let me give you some reasons why:

You are loving, caring, always serving, teaching, and parenting. I could go into detail about each one but I don’t think there is enough room in this post! What is the coolest thing about each of those words is that you don't only do those things for your family, but you also do them for whomever you come in contact with. I don’t think any person that has met you has walked away feeling unloved or unimportant. You have a way of making things better, and you are constantly doing that for me.

On the day we celebrate your birth, I (we) celebrate our birth to you. Because we could not be blessed with a mother better then you. Oh and I guess Dad is okay too :)

I love you so much, thank you for being my best friend, my confidant, and my mother. Happy Birthday to the greatest Mom any girl could ask for!

Love, Tauna



I just want to take a quick moment to praise the world’s best mother! From the time I was a young chubby boy with a slight speech impediment, to a 14 year old with platinum blonde bleached hair, to a 17 year old waking her up at mid-night to come retrieve me from the police station, to now with a family of my own, she has always been there for me, helping me in all aspects of life. Many of my accomplishments and personal successes can be traced back to key moments in my life, where love and inspired parenting were given freely to me by my mother. Happens to be that many of her characteristics have rubbed off on me, and I am so glad to have those traits as a keepsake from all of her hard work and devotion that outlines her life. I am so lucky to have such a mother that has devoted her entire life to the raising and nurturing of her family. If it wasn't for her and her efforts, her 5 children would not be where they are today.

I love you LIL MICK!! I hope you have a great Birthday!

Love, Dan the Man




Happy Birthday! You are such an incredible person. These past months have been very difficult. But you still continue to be a wonderful example.

It’s amazing to think about all of the things that you do. Even being sick and tired you care about and for others. We knew when you were having ‘good’ days at the hospital because we would show up and you would tell us all about the lives of your nurses. I was even there once when you were giving dating advice to one of them! You have touched so many people’s lives. But most of all you have shown me how to care about people and how to be a good mom.

I heard a mother on TV talking about her family. The friend told her that she shouldn’t try to be her child’s friend. The mother said that she was trying to be the mother that her son liked. The friend said that she shouldn’t be the mother that he liked, she should be the mother that he needed.

After a particularly frustrating mothering day myself, I can see how this is really important and how it’s hard to always do it correctly. Thank you for always being that mother that I needed. And for now being the mother that I wanted. I love you! Happy Birthday!

Love, Charlene



  1. What a beautiful post!
    Your children said it all...
    Happy birthday Michele!

  2. So when Dan was writing his paragraph to you, I got confused and forgot that I'm not your actual daughter, and I wrote you a little message too haha. Here it is.. sorry it's so long!!

    I'm so grateful to have a mother-in-law who has proved that the phrase "in-law" doesn't have to include all of the uncomfortable stereo-types that usually come with it. She has become one of my closest friends. From day one, I have felt like one of her very own daughters. We were lucky enough to move down to Prescott, AZ when we were first married, and her and Dad were the only people that we knew. They became our best friends quickly, and it was a blast! I'll never forget the road trips we took to the Mesa temple, the freezing Christmas lighting at the square, and Mom trying to teach me how to make cinnamon rolls and Oh-Henry bars. She always goes out of her way to make me feel at home.

    She has so many amazing traits that have passed on to her kids, one of which is how she makes everyone around her feel loved and appreciated. It's been amazing to watch this woman do SO much, not only for her family, but for everyone else around her, even when she should be sick in bed! And when she's not serving in action, she is serving in praise. It is so exciting to tell her about any kind of accomplishments because she makes you feel like you've won an Oscar.. and she's sincere about it!

    Last, but definitely not least, she not only put up with the trouble-maker Dan his whole life, but helped shape him into the man of my dreams! I owe her big time!

    I hope you have an amazing birthday, Mick! I love you so much!

    Love, Kyrstin

  3. Happy birthday Michele! I remember riding the bus in kindergarten with Dan and playing at your house with Ryan Clinton and you always being so happy and fun! I keep up with your blog and pray for your family so much. It's been years since I've seen or talked to you but know that you are an inspiration to many. Happy birthday!!
    - Sarah (Terry) Pickens

  4. Aunt Michele,

    I hope that you had a wonderful birthday, and that it was a good day physically. That was so touching to read. You have such incredible children, and they sure have an amazing mother! That must have been a wonderful gift to read all of those precious things.

