Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pay It Forward!

President Kimball said:  "The Lord answers our prayers, but it is usually through another person that he meets our needs."  I have believed that all my life and now I have just witnessed another occasion where this has happened.  My daughter Amy's friend, Cara was checking out at the grocery store one day with a full cart.  A man came up out of nowhere and paid for her groceries.  She was so overwhelmed with gratitude and thanked him and asked him how she could repay him.  All he said was, "Pay It Forward". 

Cara was so grateful that she made it a matter of prayer about who she could Pay it Forward to.  A month had gone by and she hadn't felt prompted to do anything yet.  Last week Cara was reading this blog and one of the posts talks about a funny mix up about our washer and dryer when some sisters came to clean our house.  I had stated that our dryer was a piece of junk.  I have to tape the door shut because it keeps popping open during drying.  Each load takes me 2-3 times to get it dry. 

As Cara read this, she started to cry and was filled with the Spirit testifying to her that she had just found the people to whom she could "Pay It Forward".  She had her husband read the blog entry and he agreed that they should offer the dryer to the Garvins.  Recently their washer had gone out and so they had  just purchased a new set and had their extra working dryer still sitting in their garage!  We were thrilled when they brought it to us along with a delicious home cooked meal.

How blessed and amazed we have been as we continue to witness literally hundreds of acts of love, service and kindness.  The Lord must be so pleased with all of these wonderful earthly angels.  We can't wait until we can be healthy enough to "Pay It Forward" to someone else.

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