Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy!

The other day I was thinking how blessed we are to have such a supportive group of friends and family. We have been uplifted by everyones cards, letters and emails.  One thing we started noticing that each note had in common was that they were "praying" for us and/or that they had put our name on the "prayer roll" at their temple.  All of a sudden I saw pictures of different temples popping into my mind where I knew my loved ones and friends lived.  I felt overjoyed and so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and to know that such sacred buildings existed on earth where we can ask for specific blessings (for both members and non-members) and know that God is aware of each of His children.  Here are a few of the temples that were mentioned. (Let me know if I'm missing any.)

Washington D.C. Temple
                                         Denver Colorado Temple                     Kona Hawaii Temple
Reno Nevada Temple  
Finland Temple (our friend's on a mission there)

 Arizona Temple

Salt Lake Temple
Las Vegas Temple

Hawaiian Temple                                                                                                                 

Mt. Timpanogos Temple 
Nauvoo Temple

NewPort Beach Temple

Provo Temple

Snowflake Arizona Temple                                   


  1. Aunt Michele,

    You can add the Denver Colorado temple to that list.

