Saturday, October 29, 2011


Yesterday, my dear first cousin on my Romney side, Robyn Curtis Anderson passed away after a valiant fight of ovarian cancer.  She is my same age and has been battling cancer for the last 4 years.  Here is a picture of her with her 2 youngest kids.  Her smile radiates the love she had for the gospel and for everyone.  Her mother, my Aunt Carrol passed away when Robyn was only 15 years old.  She has been a great example to me of strength and enduring to the end.

I would be lying if I said that this didn’t affect me.  I cried as I read her blog. I have always felt a strong love for her.  Here is her blog    It’s hard not to compare my situation with hers!  However, I do know that we each are given trials so that we can become stronger.  I have faith that the Lord will give me the strength and courage to face my challenges as valiantly as he did Robyn. 

I am continuing to heal, but it is not without its ups and downs.  Each day seems to be a good/bad day.  Either I feel good in the morning and bad at night, or vice versa.  The other day I was feeling good and there was some laundry on my bed so I decided to stand there and try and fold and put it away.  Within 2 minutes of doing that, I was feeling weak and queasy and I had to stop and go lie down.  As the afternoon went on, I wondered if it was the Lord‘s way of HELPING me heal, by allowing me to continue to feel weak.  If not, knowing my personality, I would totally overdue and make my recuperation period l a lot longer.

 It will be 4 weeks on Monday since my surgery.  It’s so hard not to get discouraged and think that I should be doing so much better.  Every time I talk to the doctors, they remind me that I had a “HUGE” surgery and that it will take a long time to heal.  When I was first married my mother gave me a plaque and it said, ‘LORD GRANT ME PATIENCE….AND I WANT IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!’  I guess this is one way that I am having to learn to gain patience and it is not coming right now!!!

Craig goes in for surgery this Wednesday – November 2nd.  I’m nervous!  He has been so precious to me and our love for each other has grown so much!   I continue to pray that his operation will go well and that I will be strong enough to go to the hospital and be there when he comes out of surgery.  And I pray that I can have the strength to love and care for him like he has me. 

Again we want to thank all of you for everything you have done for us.  The calls, emails, flowers, cards, facebook messages and visits have meant so much to us.  The meals we have received have been so amazing and we feel so blessed to be living in this great ward in Lindon, Utah!

May the Lord bless each of us with strength to endure our trials.  I’m so grateful for my testimony of the Plan of Salvation, for Priesthood Blessings, for the comforting companionship of the Holy Ghost and for the grace freely given to each of us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  This is the only way we can make it through the trials that will face us in these last days.



1 comment:

  1. Michele, this post is very touching. Our condolansces to you and your family for the passing of your dear cousin. What amazing people you have in your family!
    I know these trials are given to very special people who are able to use them to glorify the Father and "make their light shine" before men so that they can be brought closer to the Savior, our Redeemer.
    I feel closer to Him as I read your words of testimony.
    Thank you again for letting us be part of this time of your life.

    with love,

