Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Circle of Life....It's Just a Matter of Fact!

A couple of days ago, our oldest daughter Charlene shared a conversation that she overheard between her 5 year old twins while they were playing together.

Tonight Cooper  was pretending to be a Grandpa.

Cassidy asked if he had a wife. 

Cooper said, "No,"  I don't have a wife, she died of cancer." 

Then a few minutes went by and Cassidy asked if they had had a "foonrull" for her. 

Cooper said, "A what?" 

Cassidy answered a little louder this time,"a foonrull?" 

Charlene hadn't said anything up to this time, but when she could see that Cooper didn't understand what Cassidy was saying, she explained to him that the word was "funeral." With a blank stare still on Cooper's face, Charlene could see the word still had no meaning to him.

Cassidy then proceeded to tell him that a "foonrull" was what you have when someone you love dies, but you weren't there when they died. 

Cooper commented to Cassidy that we probably wouldn't be there when Grandma Garvin dies because we live so far away in Las Vegas. But then he turned to his mom and asked, "but is Grandpa going to be there?"

Charlene assured him that he would be there and Cooper was satisfied with that answer.  

After thinking for a while, Cooper then suggested that we should probably visit Grandma once again.  He said our gift to her could be going up there when she was going to die!

Then of course Cassidy asked where the "foonrull" would be. Charlene told her it would be at the church that Grandma and Grandpa go to.

Cooper asked how we would know how to get there and what time it would be? Cassidy reassured him that Grandpa would probably know the time and the place.  

 The conversation naturally ended and they seemed satisfied with their discussion that day and soon moved on to play.

After playing their conversation over and over in her mind, Charlene realized that life can seem pretty matter-of-fact in the world of her twins. And then she realized that's the way it could be for all of us as long as we learned to have faith and trust in the the Lord's plan.   We all can experience the peace which passes beyond all understanding that the scriptures promise us.                                              (Phillippians:4:7)  

Yes we ARE going to miss Grandma!

(Experience told by Charlene)

Last week after just a few days of school, the kids told me that Cooper's new lunch box had a handle that was coming off. I inspected it and sure enough, it was torn at the seam. I remarked that maybe I could sew it. 

This seemed to be a new concept to my kids because in the past we have often gathered broken things so when Grandma came to visit she could fix things for us or even sew new stuff for just for us ! 

However, this time when I suggested that I should try to fix it, without mentioning grandma at all, Cassidy looked up at me and said,"Yes, mom you should probably learn how to sew because your mom is going to die and you are going to need to know how to fix stuff for us!

I said, "You're right Cassidy, Grandma is going to die, huh?" "Yep," was her only reply, as she reached for my hand and we quietly crossed the street together, tightly grasping on to each other's hands.   As we walked, I quietly thought to myself.....and even when Grandma's gone, maybe she can still help fix our broken hearts too!


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