Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Where is Heaven? ......... It's only a "Phone Call" Away!

Last night, Dan and Kyrstin's 3 1/2 year old son, Logan asked if he could call me on the phone before he went to bed. He had just had his first day of preschool and he wanted to tell me about it.  We talked for a while and he shared some details about his class.  One of  his favorite parts of the day was getting to take his back pack and decide whatever he wanted to put in it.  He felt like such a big boy!

At the end of our phone conversation he asked, "Grandma, how are you feeling today?"
I said, "I haven't been feeling to good Loggie.  You remember I have cancer and because of that, I am getting sicker and sicker ever day?"

It was quiet for a while and then he said, "Yeah I know, I'm sorry, Grandma, but we pray for you."
"Thank you sweet Loggie, that means a lot to me.  I'm so sorry, that this is happening to me because I want to stay here and watch you grow up to be a big boy just like your dad!:
"Yeah, me too," he joined in.
"Honey, did you know that I'm going to die pretty soon and then go to Heaven?" I asked.
"Yeah, my dad told me about that."
"Well, I want you to know is that I will always love you and if there is any way I can watch over you at different times, I will ask Heavenly Father if I can."  (Heaven knows you will need your own angel if you are anything like your dad! haha)
We told each other good night and that we loved each other and then hung up the phone.

A few minutes went by and Daniel called me back.  "Mom, I have to tell you the funniest thing that Logan said right after he hung up the phone with you."  We talked about Grandma dying and going to Heaven pretty soon, and a few weeks ago when we introduced that concept to him, he was happy.  Why?  Because Jesus lived in Heaven and that meant that if Grandma went to Heaven she would be happy because she would be with Jesus!  (So true!)

But last night and a few months older, Logan's perspective on your death has begun to change when he realized that if you were in Heaven he would not get to see you.  Dan went on to say, "Logan hugged me and said good night as he handed me back my cell phone.  Then it was as if  a light bulb had gone off in Logan's mind. "Dad, When Grandma dies, will she still have her Cell Phone in Heaven with her?  

That question caught Daniel by surprise and his first answer would have been, "Of course not!"  But then he realized that this sweet, innocent son of his was so full of faith that he would see his grandma again, that it only made since that his grandma could have my cell phone in Heaven and that we could have nice conversations with each other, just like we had finished a minute ago.

Oh to have the innocence  and FAITH of our children!


This last week I've felt the need to try to have a heart to heart talk with each of my grand kids, who are old enough to understand where I am going to go when I die.

The other day Byron and Tracy's 3 yr old boy Carston, asked his mom if he could talk to Grandma Garvin. So she let him call me. We had a nice little chat for a while and then I asked how his new preschool class was.  He told me some of the details and I asked some more questions.

Then I heard him cough and he said, "Grandma, did you know that I am sick?"  I said, "Oh I am so sorry honey, I hope you can start feeling better soon".

Then I said, "Carston, do you remember that Grandma is sick?"  and he quickly said, "Yeah!"  I then told him that I was not going to get better and that I was probably going to die.  We had previously had this conversation a while ago and so I wondered where this one would go.  I reminded him that when I died, I would get to go to Heaven and be out of pain. You could tell this little 3 year old had got distracted from our conversation for a minute when he said, "What did you say?"  I said, "Remember since Grandma is sick, I am going to die and go to Heaven pretty soon.

He turned to his mom and with the biggest eyes she had ever seen exclaimed, "RIGHT NOW?"

I suddenly realized what he said and I quietly laughed.  "No, Carston, I'm not going to Heaven right now, but I don't know when it will be my time to go!"  With that he gave a big sigh,and quickly said, "Bye, I love you Grandma and ran off to play!


  1. What a gift you are giving your little ones. Your legacy is beautiful! I love you!
