Friday, May 16, 2014

Feelin blessed and still going strong!

I thought I would give a quick update on how my health is going. It's been 3 weeks since I started my new healthy protocol.  I have to say that it has not been easy!  I didn't realize how much of a "head game" it would be in trying to eat healthy foods!

It is so crazy the way practically everything is tied to "food".  Our society doesn't get together unless there is food there, and it is usually the kind of food that is not good for you.  Even going to the grocery store, I realize how much of the food there is processed too.

Now after having said all of the bad about what I'm doing....I must say that I am feeling fabulous!  I was prepared to feel nauseated and not have any energy, but it is just the opposite.  I'm enjoying feeling healthy and happy and spending time with my family. 

I am trying to eat "whole" foods, the way the Lord has sent them here, without any processing or changing or adding to them.  That is so hard!!!!

I also eat Asparagus twice a day and have 3 berry smoothies (loaded with anti-oxidents) a day.  

I just learned how to sprout seeds this week and I'm so excited about it! I was taught that you can use your oven to have a warm place for the seeds to sprout faster.  

You are supposed to rinse it with warm water, twice a day and cover it with a warm damp cloth. The other trick I learned was that you put a jar of hot water in the oven each time you rinse.  It was amazing how it worked!

These are alfalfa seeds that I sprouted in the oven.  When seeds are sprouted in the dark, they look yellow like the picture on the left.  All you have to do is set them on the counter for a couple of hours and the photosynthesis from the light will turn them green.  So cool!

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