Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A glimpse of Zion

Last night we saw the “Gospel in Action!” It was Monday and I had watched some of my grandkids that day. I was not feeling really good and so for FHE we decided to let me lie in bed and we would watch a conference report. When we were done, we came out into the living area and heard/saw a bunch of people in our back yard. I peeked out the window and saw all these kids and adults with rakes and gloves and bags. Then I looked closer and recognized them as our neighbors. They were doing a “spring cleaning” on our yard, but as a “surprise.”!
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I grabbed my camera and Craig grabbed his gloves and we went out to “thank them”. We found out that our next door neighbors had gone to every house in our little cul-de-sac (14 homes) and invited them to a neighborhood FHE to clean up the Garvin’s yard. Everyone showed up except 3 homes (who were out of town or leaving the next day).
Not only did they pitch in to clean, rake and pull weeds, but they also donated money to buy new flowers and bark for our front yard. (This was done before we knew that anyone was at our house, and so we didn’t get to see them doing it, but our neighbor took some pictures).
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Talk about Zion people! - Zion means “of one heart and one mind”.
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It’s amazing what can be done when everyone has a common goal. It was just like King Benjamin taught, “When ye are in the service of your fellowmen, ye are only in the service of your God.” (Mosiah 2:17)

Jodi Nichols said that she got emotional as she watched all the kids and adults working together. She said that it reminded her of when she grew up and what a wonderful feeling inside it gave her. Apparently her daughter felt that same feeling as she ran into the house to give me some money she had just earned!

Here is a quick video clip of the neighborhood kids cleaning and dancing!

I had already taken off my scarf for the night and so I grabbed a “hat” when I went out. I  thanked everyone and all of a sudden I felt inclined to take off my hat and show my “bald” head to the kids. (I know if I were a kid and was helping an old lady with cancer, I would think it was so COOL if I could see her bald head). Now remember, this is way past my “comfort zone” (including putting this picture on my blog),  but my heart was so full of love and appreciation that I wanted to do something different for them. As I did, they all gathered and felt my fuzzy head. Here is a Kodak moment with baby Jude – the youngest member of our neighborhood. They said we looked like twins!
Service is a wonderful thing! But in order for it to happen you have to have a giver and a receiver. It’s much easier to on the giving side. I’ve done that for years and reaped the joy and satisfaction that comes with it. Now it is my turn to be a receiver. It’s hard. But it’s important. My mom was an amazing example to me of being a “gracious receiver” when our childhood home burnt down and so many came to our aid. I hope I can be just like her.

Here is the final product of the back hill and front yard!
Thank you dear neighbors for lifting our spirits as well as our burdens!


  1. Jodi@jodileemusic.comMay 8, 2012 at 1:05 PM

    We All love you!

  2. Thanks for letting me be a part of that! You are a great example.

  3. What an amazing neighborhood you live in! Thanks for sharing this experience! What an uplifting message! We love you! :)

  4. Hurray for the neighborhood! I'm so happy you were on the receiving end this time. I love the picture of you and Jude. This post made my day!

  5. LOVED starting my morning by reading this post. I'm so grateful that you are surrounded by such amazing friends/neighbors. This experience will stay with those kids forever. Love service!!! Thank you so much for sharing...and for showing your bald head...LOL.

  6. That is so awesome! It makes me want to be a better neighbor myself. Your yard looks great!

  7. This made me a little teary! It just is so touching knowing that you have people around who care about you. It somehow eases the sting of not being closer. So glad that people are taking care of, as Cass would say, our 'grandma with no hair'!
