As Byron grew he was such a joy to have around. He was so mild mannered and very well behaved. I remember taking him to an all day seminar and he just sat on the floor next to me playing with his little Fisher Price Farm play set. Oh these pictures remind me of how adorable he was. (and still is!)

He loved all kinds of sports, but mainly basketball and volleyball.

Byron became an EAGLE SCOUT when he was 14 years old! What a great example!

He played 3 years of Volleyball all through his high school years and loved it!

Byron served a mission in the Mexico, Mexico City West Mission and had an amazing experience where he was able to touch many lives.

Byron has always had a special ear for music. He began playing the guitar when he was in 7th grade and has written many songs since then. Throughout the years he has been in several bands and is currently in one now, with all returned missionaries, called “Goodnight Annabelle”

One of the best things that has happened to Byron is to meet and marry his beautiful wife Tracy.

We are so grateful to have Byron in our family. He is very passionate about the things that he loves. He has a love for the gospel and for each of us and for that we are so thankful. We are proud of him and the things that he has accomplished in his life. I’m grateful to be his mom and to have learned the many lessons on patience, long-suffering and endurance that he has taught me throughout the years! Happy Birthday Byron – We love you very much!
I always thought Byron was such a cute little boy. Now I see Carston and think he is so cute! Happy Birthday Byron! I am glad you are my brother!