Friday, December 9, 2011

How is Craig?

This is a question I get where ever I go.  Well, as you can see this if BOTH of our blogs…but trying to get my husband to take his turn in writing has not been too successful.  I guess the only time he will write is when I’m not doing well.  So for now, you will get to hear from me….which means I am doing well! 

It has been 5 weeks since his surgery and we have been surprised that it has taken him so long to feel better.  He had 5 holes in his stomach – one was the belly button and two on each side.  He had the robotic surgery and so the different robots arms went in each of the holes I guess.  Anyway, one of the holes was not healing as well as the others and we were a little concerned.  We called the doctor and he said that it would take a full 8 weeks for Craig to feel completely normal.  Wow!  I guess we weren’t expecting that.  But we are grateful he is getting stronger by the day.  He is back to work now 4 days a week and takes off Wednesdays to be with me at chemo.  (I'm trying to make the pictures smaller, so click on them and they will get bigger).

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in July 2008 and had surgery early part of August. It was a shocking revelation! Never in my mind did I even imagine such a thing could happen to me.

    During my recuperation, I tried to recall what I did to bring about this illness. Reading about cancer occupied most of my waking hours. Based from what I have read, I did some major changes in my daily routine or you may call it lifestyle. While taking my prescription drugs and chemo theraphy during the first 4 months out of the hospital, I implemented the following...change in diet,daily exercise and supplementation.

    In the 5th month because of side-effects from medication, I discontinued my prescription drugs and chemo sessions while maintaining my new diet plan, exercise and supplementation. So far, the regimen has helped me to where I am right now.

    I hope both of you will find the right course of action to reverse your conditions. I will follow your blog to see how you are doing.

    God bless and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS

    Cris Rivera
