Friday, November 4, 2011

Coming Home and Good News

Dad was able to be checked out to go home today. We thought he'd be able to go home yesterday, however due to his continued need for oxygen and a chest X-ray, they decided to keep him an extra night. Byron spent the first night with Dad and Tauna spent last night. Mom spent the last three days at my house when she wasn't at the hospital. My friends and husband have been an amazing support group to allow me to spend so much time with my parents. Charlene is flying in tomorrow to help with mom and dad for a while. Dan and his family have all been really sick and so he has had to stay away. They were a great help when mom was in the the hospital.

We are so pleased with Dad's progress, especially compared to how long it is still taking for mom to recuperate. We received some very good news from the pathologist last night. We were told that Dad had the earliest signs of cancer and so we didn't think there was anything to worry about. However when the path reports came back, it showed that the prostate was covered in cancer, unlike what the biopsy had shown! The doctor said that when they went in, they placed a plastic bag around the whole prostrate and removed it through the belly button. Because they used this precaution, they are pretty sure there was no cancer left behind. The path reports confirmed that the cancer had not gone beyond the walls of the prostate which is great news! We feel so blessed that he decided to have the robotic surgery. The doctor said had he done nothing, he would have died within 10 years. Now he only has a 5% chance of the cancer returning in his life time. Those are great odds. Once again we would like to thank you all for your continued love and support for our family.


Dad and Tauna


Dad & Byron


Dad & Amy


Beautiful view from Dad’s hospital room

1 comment:

  1. Someone up there is watching over your parents.
    This is great news about your Dad.
    Thanks for posting.

    Daniel and Giulia Rogers
