Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Morning Tradition!

Romney Christmas Morning Tradition!!!

When I was a little girl, every Christmas morning we would sing a special song that my Grandma Romney introduced to our family. We all lined up with the youngest first (which always meant me - since I'm the baby). Then we would walk into the living room singing this special song and see the presents that Santa had left for each of us.

Years have gone by since I was the first in that line. Now I am second to the last!!!! Here is Craig and my family now, with our little grand kids starting out the line! Thanks to our wonderful sons and daughters in law who continue to help pass this tradition on for many more generations!

Wishing a Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas to you all!
 Love, The Garvins!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Because I have been given much...

         "I too must give!"

Our Sunday School class had an absolutely amazing experience this last Sunday.  We teach the 16 year old kids and we love every minute of it.  Several weeks ago we issued a challenge to our class to help those in need during this holiday season. 

We were so excited when we found out about an opportunity to serve our neighbors! We found out that there are 3,000 homeless men, women and children who are living on the streets of Salt Lake City, Utah. Yes, they are our neighbors!

So each of the kids in our SS class were assigned 7-8 families in our ward to go and ask for warm coats, boots, hats, gloves and scarfs to share with these people.  They each were responsible to go and pick up the items from these families and bring them to us to pack in our truck.  We invited the older and younger classes in Sunday School to go with us (16-18).  There were 35 youth and 10 adults.  We had an incredible experience!

Click on the link below to see the results of our youth in action!;CAEQARoQbo1aaB-ScnJcFM9asYpa-w;6ED3FE43-76F5-43A7-B6F7-1D67A1F0271F

We went on SUNDAY - during SUNDAY SCHOOL.  
Why? Read below to find out why!

I had thought about having a Christmas Party with our youth to get to know them better, but it just didn't feel right.  I wanted to create something for them that they would never forget and would touch their lives deeply.   When I found out about these homeless people, my heart totally went out to them and I began feeling the spirit of inspiration.  

The next morning I woke up thinking about a situation that had happened to some homeless saints along the pioneer trail.  It was during General Conference of October 1858 that Brigham Young heard that there were hundreds of men, women and children scattered over the long trail. Winter had come early and the people were hungry, and their handcarts and wagons were breaking down...all of them would perish unless they were rescued.

The thing that has always stuck out in my mind about this experience is that it was so important to Brigham Young to help these people, that he canceled General Conference and sent everyone home to get supplies to rescue these homeless saints.

This is the very reason we took our youth on Sunday during Sunday School class to administer aid to the homeless saints in Salt Lake. (Thanks to a willing Bishop who gave us permission and went up with us).  As you can see from the slide show, there were many people who needed our aid.  It was so incredible watching the youth interact with these homeless people, and treating them like the Savior would.  I think this will be an experience that these kids will never forget!
President Hinckley shared the following thoughts about these incident.   “I think President Young did not sleep that night. I think visions of those destitute, freezing, dying people paraded through his mind. The next morning he came to the old Tabernacle which stood on this square.”  During the October Conference, 1858 after addressing the saints, President Young then said the following quote.  As I read this quote, I felt the spirit that our youth could make a difference just like the saints in the past had.  I  took a red pen and began crossing out some of Brigham Young's words, and put words that were applicable to our situation with these homeless people.  

Brigham Young said: “… Many of our brethren and sisters are on the plains [streets] with handcarts, [cardboard boxes]… and they must be brought here, [help] we must send assistance to them…That is my religion; that is the dictation of the Holy Ghost that I possess. It is to save the people. …”  
“I shall call upon the Bishops [people] this day. I shall not wait until tomorrow, nor until the next day, for 60 good mule teams [Coats] and 12 or 15 wagons [Boots or Shoes]…Also 12 tons of flour [Hats and scarfs] and 40 good teamsters[pair of gloves]…”
 I will tell you all that your faith, religion, and profession of religion, will never save one soul of you in the Celestial Kingdom of our God, unless you carry out just such principles as I am now teaching you. Go and bring in [help] those people now on the plains[streets]. “
            “That afternoon, food, bedding, and clothing in great quantities were assembled. The next morning, horses were shod and wagons were repaired and loaded. The following morning, … 16 mule teams pulled out and headed eastward. By the end of October there were 250 teams on the road to give relief.” (Conference Report, Oct. 1996, 117–18; or Ensign, Nov. 1996, 85–86).

Well, the afternoon of December 15, 2013 in Salt Lake City, Utah  - every one of those requests in red were filled and many, many more thanks to the generosity and unselfishness of the saints in our ward and our youth!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

That's the last blind date I ever went on....

Have you ever been on a blind date?  Did you like it?  Was it awkward like they usually are?  

Well let me tell you about the LAST blind date I ever went on. 

It was 36 years ago today - on December 8th, 1977. 

I lived in Mesa, Arizona and was actively involved in the young adult program.  For a stake activity, the young adults had planned a "Date Auction".  The money they received from the auction was going to go to a charity for Christmas.

The way it was supposed to work was that the girls would submit a "creative date"  and the boys would bid on the dates. Two girls and I got together and submitted a "triple date".  The auction began rather awkwardly, and no one was really bidding, so Gary, the YA President bid on the first date which happened to be ours.  I think our date only went for $7.00, which was the lowest of the night, but at least it got the auction started.

The guys paid the night of the auction, but it was up to everyone to follow through with each other by going on the actual date.  I knew that I would be going out of town later in December, so I put down December 8th as the actual date that we would  meet to go on this triple date.  It turns out that we were the only date that followed through by actually going on the date.  My eternities would have been very different if that blind date never happened!

The day of the "Blind Date" finally arrived.  It was Wednesday, Dec. 8th, 1977 and I had had a very busy day at school.  I heard from one of my girl friends  that two of the three guys that were supposed to go on the date had cancelled.  I was bummed and immediately wanted to just get this date over with.  Gary Jones was the president of the Stake Young Adults and so he recruited two of his friends.  One was Craig Garvin and the other was Keith Horne.  I came home late from school and didn't even take time to change my clothes.  I quickly brushed my hair and left for the date.  Little did I know that I would be instantly attracted to one of the guys on the blind date.

When they came and picked me up, there were two guys and a girl in the back seat, and then Gary was driving and another girl and I sat up front.  I remember looking into the back seat and immediately feeling drawn to Craig.  We all got into the car and drove to the ice skating rink.  As we were driving, we all introduced ourselves and told something about ourselves.  That's when I, for some strange reason, blurted out that I was a return missionary from Madrid, Spain.  Everyone seemed sufficiently impressed for a moment, until Craig started speaking something to me in Spanish.  I mumbled out some very badly pronounced Spanish words back to him that I happened to remember from my high school Spanish class.  It wasn't long before everyone in the car knew that I had NOT served a mission to Spain or anywhere else for a matter of fact! We all had a good laugh and it seemed to lighten the mood in the car and started some playful teasing between Craig and me.

We arrived at the ice skating rink and Craig said that as we walked in, the thought came into his mind as clear as day, "I'm going to marry that girl."  He never told me that until after we were engaged.  He did however lean over to his friend Gary and say, "She's going to ask me to go skate with her."  And right he was.  It was a snowball dance on the rink and someone came and asked me to skate with him.  Then the music stopped and we both went and asked someone else.  I immediately went over and asked Craig to skate with me.  I think we held hands and skated around the rink.  I can't remember exactly what I was feeling, other than attraction.  We kept teasing each other and I loved the thrill of the challenge.

After the skating rink, we stopped by my apartment to get some of the ice cream toppings for our ice cream sundaes at Carol's house.  However, at this point I realized that I was starting to fall for Craig and I didn't feel very pretty.  So.... since I stopped by my apartment to get the food, I just thought I would quickly change my clothes without anyone noticing.  What was I thinking?  Craig notices EVERYTHING!!!! And he did notice.  I took off my frumpy clothes I had worn all day, and put on my brand new pink sweater that I had just worn on a date with a dreamy guy named Dallas.  This picture (see below) of this beautiful pink sweater is what I wore on our blind date ...and I can still wear it 36 years later! (Now a family relic!)


After we had ice cream sundaes, we went to the Wednesday night dance for the Young Adults at the LDS ASU Institute.  This dance was where I frequented often.  I had made it a rule to never hold any guys hand, so that I could be "available" to dance with all of the good dancers.  So as we walked in, I felt the same way.  I think it is interesting to note that as we were putting the "blind date" together, and the three of us girls were talking, I think I was the one who suggested that we not set up any one girl with any one boy, just IN CASE, someone hits it off with someone in the date that night.  ha ha.  Little did I know that it would be me!

As Craig and I danced at the dance, I could "feel" something and I am pretty sure that he could too.  I remember we danced the last slow dance and I could definitely feel myself falling for him.  I'm pretty sure that even though I was feeling something for him, that I didn't let him hold my hand at the dance.  How crazy was that!

After the dance, we all got in the car and headed to Denny's for Hot Chocolate and enjoyed visiting more with everyone.  We drove home and Craig offered to walk me to my door.  I was grateful for that, because I was hoping that he would ask me out again, or ask for my phone number, but he didn't.  I told him that I had had a really good time and he agreed that he had too.  He said goodnight and as he turned to walk down my stairs he stopped and said, "Hey, I have a basketball game this Thursday and thought you might want to come."  I don't remember the rest of the conversation, but I found out what time and where.  Then he walked out of my life.  I remember feeling my heart drop a little as he left.  I never thought that anything would come out of this blind date.

Now that I look back, I realize that if I hadn't don't something, we would have never gotten together.  So, I guess you could say that I was like Eve - and my one decision caused a chain of reaction.  haha!  I didn't want to appear too aggressive, so I decided that I would go to his game, but that I would be "fashionably" late.  Thursday came....and I dropped by the church where he was playing basketball.  I was so late, that as I walked in the gym the lights flickered off a moment later.  Then all of a sudden the lights flipped back on and there stood Craig in a burgundy sweat suit that said ASU on it.  He came walking over to me and the light from the exit sign, shined down on him as he stood next to me.  It was then that I realized how tall he was and how much I was attracted to him.  We walked out of the church talking together and then he told me that he and his friends were going to the "Big Apple" restaurant on Main Street in Mesa, Arizona and wanted to know if I wanted to go "with?"

I rode with him in his car to the restaurant and I left my car at the parking lot.   I remember that I ordered apple pie and there was a long table with all of his friends there.  It seemed a bit awkward to me, being there with all of his friends that I didn't know, but he seemed very comfortable with me sitting next to him.  After that was over, he took me back to my car and we stood in the parking lot and talked forever. After that, we met at the young adult dance the following week and then he followed me to my place where we played pool. 

Yes, that was the best and last blind date I ever went on!  However, it felt like forever before Craig finally asked me out on a "real date." Looking back now, I guess you could say that I was a little impatient and Craig wasn't as slow as I thought.  We met for the first time on December 8th, 1977 and he proposed on January 26th, 1978 and we were married on March 18th, 1978!  This coming March we will celebrate 36 wonderful years of being together!

And it all started on a blind date.....

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Garvin Family Photo Shoot

                                            Craig and Michele Garvin Family
                                        November 30, 2013

    Click here to watch slide show of 2013 Garvin Family Pictures;CAEQARoQbo1aaB-ScnJcFM9asYpa-w;CCBC3695-4CB9-4328-A1FB-FDCED625151F